Welcome to the Pokémon Unbound Nuzlocke guide. Pokémon Unbound is a fan-made game set in the Borrius region with a unique story and challenging gameplay. Your mission is to protect the region from the Shadows, an organization trying to release a dark force that was sealed away centuries ago.
Key Features
Revamped Game Engine
This game has a custom battle engine that matches the quality of Gen 8, with a seamless gameplay experience. You can catch your favorite Pokémon from Gen 1 to 7, and enjoy various quality-of-life features like Unlimited Bag Space, Auto-Run, and Daily Raids.
No more HM Slaves
There's a brand new HM system that allows any Pokemon that can learn an HM to use it in the overworld, which means you don't have to carry HM slaves.
Additional Content
There are over 80 unique missions that players can explore, character customization options with up to 300 combinations of skin tones, hair colors, and outfit colors, and several mini-games such as Cloud Burst, Safari Sniper, and Underground Mining. The game includes plenty of events throughout the day, some of which can only be experienced at certain times. Plus, there are rich post-game features, like battling in Pokemon Unbound's battle facilities, catching legendary Pokemon, and more.
Difficulty settings
The game has four different difficulty modes, ranging from Easy to Insane, so players can select the mode that suits their level of challenge and play style. This ensures that everyone can enjoy the game at their own pace.
This guide covers the Difficulty mode and there's a guide for Expert mode available here
Insane and Easy guides coming soon!
So gear up, trainer, and get ready to embark on an epic Nuzlocke journey through the Borrius region in Pokémon Unbound in this brilliant Fan Game!
Unbound Encounters
A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Unbound so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!
Pokémon Unbound has 61 different encounter locations with 467 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!
21 Fairy Pokémon encounters
- Clefairy - Crater Town
- Jigglypuff - Victory Road
- Weezing - Antisis Sewers
- Togepi - Fallshore City
- Marill - Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Tehl Town and Victory Road
- Azumarill - Route 9, Tehl Town and Victory Road
- Snubbull - Route 12
- Mawile - Icicle Cave
- Cottonee - Vivill Woods
- Flabébé - Flower Paradise
- Spritzee - Route 12
- Swirlix - Route 12
- Dedenne - Route 12
- Carbink - KBT Expressway
- Klefki - Dehara City
- Cutiefly - Flower Paradise
- Morelull - Vivill Woods
- Comfey - Flower Paradise
- Mimikyu - undefined
- Morgrem - Vivill Woods
- Milcery - Route 11
21 Fighting Pokémon encounters
- Machop - Cliff Cave
- Machoke - Cliff Cave
- Hitmontop - Epidimy Town
- Heracross - Redwood Forest
- Combusken - Safari Zone
- Makuhita - Icicle Cave and KBT Expressway
- Hariyama - Icicle Cave, KBT Expressway, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Meditite - Route 11
- Croagunk - Cootes Bog
- Toxicroak - Cootes Bog
- Timburr - Thundercap Mt.
- Gurdurr - Thundercap Mt.
- Throh - Route 16
- Sawk - Route 16
- Mienfoo - Route 12
- Pancham - Route 16
- Hawlucha - Dehara City
- Crabominable - Blizzard City
- Passimian - Redwood Forest
- Hakamo-o - Victory Road
- Falinks - Route 16
23 Dragon Pokémon encounters
- Kingdra - Ruins of Void and Gurun Town
- Dragonair - Crystal Peak
- Vibrava - Great Desert
- Gible - Starter
- Axew - Dehara City
- Druddigon - Victory Road
- Deino - Magnolia Town
- Zweilous - Crystal Peak
- Dragalge - Route 13
- Tyrunt - Great Desert
- Goomy - Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
- Sliggoo - Polder Town and Cootes Bog
- Noibat - KBT Expressway, Valley Cave and Crystal Peak
- Noivern - Crystal Peak
- Turtonator - Victory Road
- Drampa - Victory Road
- Hakamo-o - Victory Road
- Applin - Route 12
- Dracozolt - Crystal Peak
- Dracovish - Cube Corp.
- Duraludon - Crystal Peak
- Drakloak - Victory Road
- Regidrago - Icy Hole
25 Dark Pokémon encounters
- Meowth - Safari Zone
- Grimer - Antisis City
- Murkrow - Route 5
- Sneasel - Frost Mountain, Route 8 and Frozen Forest
- Houndour - Route 5
- Linoone - Route 10
- Sableye - Ruins of Void
- Carvanha - Fallshore City, Route 12 and Route 14
- Sharpedo - Fallshore City, Route 12 and Route 14
- Cacturne - Magnolia Town
- Crawdaunt - Route 4 and Route 5
- Absol - Crystal Peak
- Stunky - Bellin Town
- Skuntank - Route 18
- Drapion - Cootes Bog
- Purrloin - Route 5
- Sandile - Magnolia Town
- Krokorok - Great Desert
- Pawniard - Route 16
- Vullaby - Great Desert and Crystal Peak
- Deino - Magnolia Town
- Zweilous - Crystal Peak
- Nickit - Route 5
- Morgrem - Vivill Woods
- Obstagoon - Route 10
27 Ghost Pokémon encounters
- Gastly - Grim Woods
- Haunter - Rift Cave
- Misdreavus - Cliff Cave
- Sableye - Ruins of Void
- Shuppet - Grim Woods
- Duskull - Grim Woods, Ruins of Void and Rift Cave
- Dusclops - Ruins of Void and Rift Cave
- Drifblim - Crystal Peak
- Rotom - Polder Town
- Yamask - Ruins of Void
- Yamask - Ruins of Void
- Cofagrigus - Ruins of Void
- Frillish - Magnolia Fields
- Jellicent - Magnolia Fields and Cube Corp.
- Lampent - Redwood Village
- Golett - Rift Cave
- Golurk - Rift Cave
- Doublade - Safari Zone
- Phantump - Grim Woods
- Pumpkaboo - Grim Woods
- Sandygast - Route 3 and Dehara City
- Mimikyu - undefined
- Dhelmise - Vivill Warehouse
- Sinistea - Rift Cave
- Cursola - Route 16
- Runerigus - Ruins of Void
- Drakloak - Victory Road
28 Steel Pokémon encounters
- Sandshrew - Icicle Cave
- Diglett - Safari Zone
- Dugtrio - Safari Zone
- Meowth - Valley Cave
- Magnemite - Thundercap Mt.
- Magneton - Thundercap Mt.
- Steelix - Crystal Peak and Cliff Cave
- Skarmory - Crystal Peak
- Mawile - Icicle Cave
- Aron - KBT Expressway, Valley Cave and Frost Mountain
- Lairon - KBT Expressway and Lost Tunnel
- Beldum - Starter
- Shieldon - Great Desert
- Bronzor - Frost Mountain and Rift Cave
- Bronzong - Ruins of Void and Rift Cave
- Excadrill - Cinder Volcano and Victory Road
- Ferroseed - Thundercap Mt.
- Klink - Thundercap Mt.
- Klang - Thundercap Mt.
- Stunfisk - Cootes Bog
- Pawniard - Route 16
- Durant - Victory Road
- Doublade - Safari Zone
- Klefki - Dehara City
- Togedemaru - Route 11
- Perrserker - Valley Cave
- Copperajah - Route 16
- Duraludon - Crystal Peak
31 Fire Pokémon encounters
- Charmander - Magnolia Town
- Vulpix - Cinder Volcano
- Growlithe - Route 5
- Ponyta - Route 12
- Magby - Cinder Volcano
- Magmar - Cinder Volcano and Victory Road
- Quilava - Magnolia Fields
- Slugma - Cinder Volcano
- Magcargo - Cinder Volcano and Victory Road
- Houndour - Route 5
- Torchic - Safari Zone
- Combusken - Safari Zone
- Numel - Cinder Volcano
- Camerupt - Cinder Volcano and Victory Road
- Torkoal - Cinder Volcano
- Chimchar - Dehara City
- Tepig - Route 5
- Pansear - Flower Paradise
- Darumaka - Great Desert
- Lampent - Redwood Village
- Heatmor - Cinder Volcano and Victory Road
- Fennekin - Magnolia Town
- Fletchinder - Route 12
- Litleo - Route 2
- Litten - Seaport City
- Oricorio - Flower Paradise
- Salandit - Cinder Volcano
- Salazzle - Victory Road
- Turtonator - Victory Road
- Raboot - Redwood Forest
- Carkol - Cinder Volcano
32 Psychic Pokémon encounters
- Ponyta - Route 12
- Slowpoke - Route 3, Tarmigan Town and Route 14
- Slowpoke - Route 13 and Route 14
- Exeggcute - Route 11 and Safari Zone
- Starmie - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 4, Route 5 and Dehara City
- Mr. Mime - Route 8
- Smoochum - Icicle Cave
- Jynx - Icicle Cave, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Natu - Safari Zone
- Xatu - Safari Zone
- Unown - Tomb of Borrius
- Wobbuffet - Safari Zone
- Girafarig - Route 16
- Meditite - Route 11
- Spoink - Route 11
- Lunatone - Ruins of Void
- Solrock - Ruins of Void
- Baltoy - Ruins of Void
- Claydol - Ruins of Void
- Chimecho - Rift Cave
- Beldum - Starter
- Bronzor - Frost Mountain and Rift Cave
- Bronzong - Ruins of Void and Rift Cave
- Woobat - Cinder Volcano, KBT Expressway, Valley Cave, Frost Mountain, Lost Tunnel, Crystal Peak and Victory Road
- Sigilyph - Ruins of Void and Tomb of Borrius
- Gothita - Route 12
- Solosis - Route 12
- Elgyem - Route 5
- Oranguru - Redwood Forest
- Bruxish - Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Tehl Town and Victory Road
- Hattrem - Vivill Woods
- Mr. Rime - Route 8
33 Ice Pokémon encounters
- Sandshrew - Icicle Cave
- Vulpix - Blizzard City
- Dewgong - Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Cloyster - Icicle Cave, Route 3, Frost Mountain, Route 15, Route 14, Vivill Town and Icy Hole
- Mr. Mime - Route 8
- Smoochum - Icicle Cave
- Jynx - Icicle Cave, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Lapras - Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain, Icy Hole, Seaport City and Victory Road
- Sneasel - Frost Mountain, Route 8 and Frozen Forest
- Swinub - Icicle Cave
- Piloswine - Icicle Cave, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Delibird - Route 1
- Snorunt - Route 1 and Route 8
- Glalie - Victory Road
- Spheal - Icicle Cave and Frost Mountain
- Sealeo - Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Snover - Route 8 and Frozen Forest
- Abomasnow - Victory Road
- Darmanitan - Victory Road
- Vanillite - Route 1
- Vanillish - Victory Road
- Cubchoo - Route 8 and Frozen Forest
- Beartic - Victory Road
- Cryogonal - Frost Mountain
- Amaura - Great Desert
- Bergmite - Icicle Cave
- Avalugg - Icicle Cave, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Crabominable - Blizzard City
- Mr. Rime - Route 8
- Snom - Frozen Forest
- Eiscue - Icy Hole
- Arctozolt - Crystal Peak
- Arctovish - Cube Corp.
34 Electric Pokémon encounters
- Pichu - Seaport City
- Pikachu - Vivill Woods
- Geodude - Thundercap Mt. and Cliff Cave
- Graveler - Thundercap Mt. and Cliff Cave
- Magnemite - Thundercap Mt.
- Magneton - Thundercap Mt.
- Voltorb - Dehara City
- Electrode - Blizzard City and Dehara City
- Elekid - Epidimy Town and Thundercap Mt.
- Electabuzz - Thundercap Mt.
- Chinchou - Thundercap Mt., Ruins of Void, Route 14 and Route 16
- Lanturn - Thundercap Mt., Ruins of Void, Route 14 and Route 16
- Flaaffy - Route 8
- Plusle - Safari Zone
- Minun - Safari Zone
- Pachirisu - Tarmigan Town
- Rotom - Polder Town
- Blitzle - Safari Zone
- Zebstrika - Safari Zone
- Emolga - Dehara City
- Joltik - Thundercap Mt.
- Tynamo - Thundercap Mt.
- Eelektrik - Thundercap Mt.
- Stunfisk - Thundercap Mt., Polder Town and Cootes Bog
- Helioptile - Safari Zone
- Heliolisk - Safari Zone
- Dedenne - Route 12
- Togedemaru - Route 11
- Yamper - Route 5
- Toxel - Route 9
- Pincurchin - Thundercap Mt.
- Dracozolt - Crystal Peak
- Arctozolt - Crystal Peak
- Regieleki - Icy Hole
40 Bug Pokémon encounters
- Caterpie - Grim Woods and Vivill Woods
- Metapod - Vivill Woods
- Weedle - Grim Woods and Vivill Woods
- Kakuna - Vivill Woods
- Paras - Vivill Woods
- Venonat - Route 5
- Scyther - Redwood Forest
- Pinsir - Redwood Forest
- Ledian - Redwood Forest
- Ariados - Redwood Forest
- Yanma - Route 5
- Pineco - Redwood Forest
- Shuckle - Icicle Cave, Cinder Volcano, Thundercap Mt. and Tomb of Borrius
- Heracross - Redwood Forest
- Wurmple - Vivill Woods
- Silcoon - Vivill Woods
- Cascoon - Vivill Woods
- Surskit - Route 3, Grim Woods, Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9 and Vivill Woods
- Masquerain - Grim Woods, Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Vivill Woods and Redwood Forest
- Nincada - Redwood Forest
- Anorith - Great Desert
- Combee - Flower Paradise
- Skorupi - Bellin Town and Route 9
- Swadloon - Vivill Woods
- Whirlipede - Antisis Sewers
- Dwebble - Great Desert
- Karrablast - Route 9
- Joltik - Thundercap Mt.
- Shelmet - Route 10
- Durant - Victory Road
- Scatterbug - Vivill Woods
- Spewpa - Vivill Woods
- Vivillon - Magnolia Town
- Grubbin - Route 9
- Cutiefly - Flower Paradise
- Dewpider - Route 3
- Araquanid - Route 3
- Golisopod - Safari Zone
- Blipbug - Grim Woods
- Snom - Frozen Forest
40 Rock Pokémon encounters
- Geodude - Cinder Volcano, KBT Expressway, Valley Cave, Epidimy Town, Ruins of Void, Route 13, Route 14, Lost Tunnel, Great Desert, Route 16 and Route 18
- Geodude - Thundercap Mt. and Cliff Cave
- Graveler - Cinder Volcano, KBT Expressway, Epidimy Town, Lost Tunnel, Crystal Peak, Victory Road and Tomb of Borrius
- Graveler - Thundercap Mt. and Cliff Cave
- Golem - Lost Tunnel
- Onix - Frost Mountain, Crystal Peak and Cliff Cave
- Rhyhorn - Safari Zone
- Rhydon - Safari Zone
- Omanyte - Great Desert
- Kabuto - Great Desert
- Aerodactyl - Great Desert
- Sudowoodo - Route 18
- Shuckle - Icicle Cave, Cinder Volcano, Thundercap Mt. and Tomb of Borrius
- Magcargo - Cinder Volcano and Victory Road
- Corsola - Thundercap Mt., Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Route 16, Seaport City and Route 18
- Larvitar - Starter
- Nosepass - KBT Expressway, Valley Cave, Frost Mountain and Thundercap Mt.
- Aron - KBT Expressway, Valley Cave and Frost Mountain
- Lairon - KBT Expressway and Lost Tunnel
- Lunatone - Ruins of Void
- Solrock - Ruins of Void
- Lileep - Great Desert
- Anorith - Great Desert
- Relicanth - Ruins of Void
- Cranidos - Great Desert
- Shieldon - Great Desert
- Roggenrola - Icicle Cave, Route 2, Frost Mountain and Route 8
- Boldore - Icicle Cave, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Dwebble - Great Desert
- Tirtouga - Great Desert
- Archen - Great Desert
- Binacle - Route 2, Thundercap Mt., Route 13, Route 14, Great Desert, Route 16 and Route 18
- Tyrunt - Great Desert
- Amaura - Great Desert
- Carbink - KBT Expressway
- Rockruff - Route 12
- Minior - undefined
- Rolycoly - Cinder Volcano
- Carkol - Cinder Volcano
- Stonjourner - Route 18
44 Poison Pokémon encounters
- Bulbasaur - Magnolia Town
- Weedle - Grim Woods and Vivill Woods
- Kakuna - Vivill Woods
- Nidoran♀ - Route 5
- Nidoran♂ - Route 5
- Zubat - Icicle Cave, Route 5 and KBT Expressway
- Golbat - Icicle Cave, KBT Expressway, Antisis Sewers, Icy Hole, Victory Road, Rift Cave and Cliff Cave
- Oddish - Route 14
- Gloom - Route 14 and Cootes Bog
- Venonat - Route 5
- Bellsprout - Route 14
- Weepinbell - Route 14 and Cootes Bog
- Tentacool - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Route 7, Fallshore City, Route 11, Route 12, Dehara City, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City and Route 18
- Tentacruel - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Route 7, Fallshore City, Route 11, Route 12, Dehara City, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City and Route 18
- Grimer - Antisis Sewers
- Grimer - Antisis City
- Muk - Antisis Sewers
- Gastly - Grim Woods
- Haunter - Rift Cave
- Koffing - Antisis Sewers
- Weezing - Antisis Sewers
- Weezing - Antisis Sewers
- Ariados - Redwood Forest
- Qwilfish - Crystal Peak and Magnolia Fields
- Roselia - Victory Road
- Gulpin - Route 11
- Stunky - Bellin Town
- Skuntank - Route 18
- Skorupi - Bellin Town and Route 9
- Drapion - Cootes Bog
- Croagunk - Cootes Bog
- Toxicroak - Cootes Bog
- Whirlipede - Antisis Sewers
- Trubbish - Antisis City
- Garbodor - Antisis City
- Foongus - Vivill Woods
- Amoonguss - Vivill Town
- Skrelp - Route 13
- Dragalge - Route 13
- Mareanie - Ruins of Void and Route 14
- Toxapex - Ruins of Void and Route 14
- Salandit - Cinder Volcano
- Salazzle - Victory Road
- Toxel - Route 9
47 Grass Pokémon encounters
- Bulbasaur - Magnolia Town
- Oddish - Route 14
- Gloom - Route 14 and Cootes Bog
- Paras - Vivill Woods
- Bellsprout - Route 14
- Weepinbell - Route 14 and Cootes Bog
- Exeggcute - Route 11 and Safari Zone
- Tangela - Route 16
- Bayleef - Route 18
- Treecko - Safari Zone
- Grovyle - Safari Zone
- Lotad - Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
- Lombre - Fallshore City, Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
- Seedot - Grim Woods
- Shroomish - Route 9
- Roselia - Victory Road
- Cacnea - Great Desert
- Cacturne - Magnolia Town
- Lileep - Great Desert
- Turtwig - Dehara City
- Cherubi - Route 3
- Carnivine - Cootes Bog
- Snover - Route 8 and Frozen Forest
- Abomasnow - Victory Road
- Snivy - Route 5
- Pansage - Flower Paradise
- Swadloon - Vivill Woods
- Cottonee - Vivill Woods
- Petilil - Vivill Woods
- Maractus - Great Desert
- Deerling - Route 8, Route 9 and Route 12
- Foongus - Vivill Woods
- Amoonguss - Vivill Town
- Ferroseed - Thundercap Mt.
- Chespin - Magnolia Town
- Gogoat - Magnolia Fields
- Phantump - Grim Woods
- Pumpkaboo - Grim Woods
- Rowlet - Seaport City
- Lurantis - Victory Road
- Morelull - Vivill Woods
- Bounsweet - Safari Zone
- Steenee - Safari Zone
- Dhelmise - Vivill Warehouse
- Thwackey - Redwood Forest
- Eldegoss - Route 14
- Applin - Route 12
48 Flying Pokémon encounters
- Pidgey - Magnolia Town
- Spearow - Route 9
- Zubat - Icicle Cave, Route 5 and KBT Expressway
- Golbat - Icicle Cave, KBT Expressway, Antisis Sewers, Icy Hole, Victory Road, Rift Cave and Cliff Cave
- Farfetch’d - Route 18
- Scyther - Redwood Forest
- Gyarados - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 4, Route 5, Valley Cave, Route 6, Route 7, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Tehl Town, Route 12, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Antisis City, Magnolia Fields, Route 18, Victory Road and Cube Corp.
- Aerodactyl - Great Desert
- Hoothoot - Route 12
- Noctowl - Route 11, Route 12, Magnolia Fields and Route 18
- Ledian - Redwood Forest
- Natu - Safari Zone
- Xatu - Safari Zone
- Yanma - Route 5
- Murkrow - Route 5
- Gligar - Valley Cave
- Delibird - Route 1
- Mantyke - Route 6, Route 7, Route 12, Route 16, Antisis City and Seaport City
- Mantine - Ruins of Void, Route 14, Gurun Town and Route 18
- Skarmory - Crystal Peak
- Taillow - Route 5
- Wingull - Route 3
- Pelipper - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Route 7, Fallshore City, Route 11, Route 12, Dehara City, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Town, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City, Magnolia Fields, Route 18 and Cube Corp.
- Masquerain - Grim Woods, Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Vivill Woods and Redwood Forest
- Swablu - Route 11
- Combee - Flower Paradise
- Drifblim - Crystal Peak
- Chatot - Route 16
- Pidove - Magnolia Town
- Tranquill - Magnolia Fields
- Woobat - Cinder Volcano, KBT Expressway, Valley Cave, Frost Mountain, Lost Tunnel, Crystal Peak and Victory Road
- Sigilyph - Ruins of Void and Tomb of Borrius
- Archen - Great Desert
- Ducklett - Dresco Town
- Emolga - Dehara City
- Rufflet - Great Desert and Crystal Peak
- Vullaby - Great Desert and Crystal Peak
- Fletchling - Route 12
- Fletchinder - Route 12
- Vivillon - Magnolia Town
- Hawlucha - Dehara City
- Noibat - KBT Expressway, Valley Cave and Crystal Peak
- Noivern - Crystal Peak
- Rowlet - Seaport City
- Oricorio - Flower Paradise
- Minior - undefined
- Corvisquire - Victory Road
- Cramorant - Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
48 Ground Pokémon encounters
- Sandslash - Great Desert
- Diglett - Lost Tunnel
- Diglett - Safari Zone
- Dugtrio - Lost Tunnel
- Dugtrio - Safari Zone
- Geodude - Cinder Volcano, KBT Expressway, Valley Cave, Epidimy Town, Ruins of Void, Route 13, Route 14, Lost Tunnel, Great Desert, Route 16 and Route 18
- Graveler - Cinder Volcano, KBT Expressway, Epidimy Town, Lost Tunnel, Crystal Peak, Victory Road and Tomb of Borrius
- Golem - Lost Tunnel
- Onix - Frost Mountain, Crystal Peak and Cliff Cave
- Steelix - Crystal Peak and Cliff Cave
- Cubone - Thundercap Mt. and Safari Zone
- Marowak - Thundercap Mt.
- Rhyhorn - Safari Zone
- Rhydon - Safari Zone
- Wooper - Cliff Cave
- Quagsire - Cootes Bog and Cliff Cave
- Gligar - Valley Cave
- Swinub - Icicle Cave
- Piloswine - Icicle Cave, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Phanpy - Valley Cave
- Larvitar - Starter
- Marshtomp - Safari Zone
- Nincada - Redwood Forest
- Numel - Cinder Volcano
- Camerupt - Cinder Volcano and Victory Road
- Trapinch - Magnolia Town
- Vibrava - Great Desert
- Barboach - Grim Woods, Route 11, Epidimy Town, Vivill Woods, Polder Town, Cootes Bog and Redwood Forest
- Whiscash - Grim Woods, Route 11, Epidimy Town, Vivill Woods, Polder Town, Cootes Bog and Redwood Forest
- Baltoy - Ruins of Void
- Claydol - Ruins of Void
- Gastrodon - Route 14, Polder Town, Cootes Bog and Crystal Peak
- Gible - Starter
- Hippowdon - Great Desert
- Drilbur - Icicle Cave and Cinder Volcano
- Excadrill - Cinder Volcano and Victory Road
- Palpitoad - Route 10, Auburn Waterway and Polder Town
- Sandile - Magnolia Town
- Krokorok - Great Desert
- Yamask - Ruins of Void
- Stunfisk - Thundercap Mt., Polder Town and Cootes Bog
- Stunfisk - Cootes Bog
- Golett - Rift Cave
- Golurk - Rift Cave
- Mudsdale - Magnolia Fields
- Sandygast - Route 3 and Dehara City
- Silicobra - Great Desert
- Runerigus - Ruins of Void
53 Normal Pokémon encounters
- Pidgey - Magnolia Town
- Raticate - Antisis Sewers
- Spearow - Route 9
- Jigglypuff - Victory Road
- Persian - Route 18
- Farfetch’d - Route 18
- Lickitung - Route 5
- Happiny - Route 18
- Chansey - Victory Road
- Kangaskhan - Safari Zone
- Tauros - Safari Zone and Magnolia Fields
- Ditto - Route 5, Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Seaport City and Cube Corp.
- Eevee - Dehara City
- Porygon - Dehara City
- Sentret - Route 3
- Hoothoot - Route 12
- Noctowl - Route 11, Route 12, Magnolia Fields and Route 18
- Aipom - Redwood Forest
- Girafarig - Route 16
- Dunsparce - Valley Cave
- Ursaring - Redwood Forest
- Stantler - Route 8
- Miltank - Magnolia Fields
- Linoone - Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
- Linoone - Route 10
- Taillow - Route 5
- Vigoroth - Redwood Forest
- Loudred - Crystal Peak
- Skitty - Safari Zone
- Spinda - Safari Zone
- Swablu - Route 11
- Kecleon - Route 16
- Bidoof - Route 3
- Bibarel - Route 14
- Glameow - Bellin Town and Route 11
- Chatot - Route 16
- Pidove - Magnolia Town
- Tranquill - Magnolia Fields
- Audino - Route 9
- Deerling - Route 8, Route 9 and Route 12
- Bouffalant - Route 18
- Rufflet - Great Desert and Crystal Peak
- Fletchling - Route 12
- Litleo - Route 2
- Furfrou - Magnolia Fields
- Helioptile - Safari Zone
- Heliolisk - Safari Zone
- Oranguru - Redwood Forest
- Komala - Redwood Forest
- Drampa - Victory Road
- Skwovet - Route 3
- Dubwool - Magnolia Fields
- Obstagoon - Route 10
99 Water Pokémon encounters
- Squirtle - Magnolia Town
- Psyduck - Grim Woods, Valley Cave, Epidimy Town, Tehl Town, Tarmigan Town, Vivill Woods, Crystal Peak, Victory Road and Redwood Forest
- Golduck - Grim Woods, Valley Cave, Epidimy Town, Tehl Town, Tarmigan Town, Ruins of Void, Route 14, Vivill Woods, Crystal Peak, Victory Road and Redwood Forest
- Poliwag - Route 3, Tarmigan Town, Dehara City, Polder Town and Cootes Bog
- Poliwhirl - Tarmigan Town, Dehara City, Polder Town and Cootes Bog
- Politoed - Tarmigan Town, Polder Town and Cootes Bog
- Tentacool - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Route 7, Fallshore City, Route 11, Route 12, Dehara City, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City and Route 18
- Tentacruel - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Route 7, Fallshore City, Route 11, Route 12, Dehara City, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City and Route 18
- Slowpoke - Route 3, Tarmigan Town and Route 14
- Seel - Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Dewgong - Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Shellder - Icicle Cave, Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Frost Mountain, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 14, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Cloyster - Icicle Cave, Route 3, Frost Mountain, Route 15, Route 14, Vivill Town and Icy Hole
- Krabby - Route 2, Route 3, Thundercap Mt., Route 13, Route 14, Route 16 and Route 18
- Kingler - Route 3, Thundercap Mt., Route 13, Route 14, Route 16 and Route 18
- Horsea - Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City and Route 18
- Seadra - Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City and Route 18
- Kingdra - Ruins of Void and Gurun Town
- Goldeen - Route 6, Route 7, Auburn Waterway, Route 9 and Tehl Town
- Seaking - Route 6, Route 7, Auburn Waterway, Route 9 and Tehl Town
- Staryu - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5 and Dehara City
- Starmie - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 4, Route 5 and Dehara City
- Magikarp - Icicle Cave, Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Route 4, Grim Woods, Route 5, Valley Cave, Route 6, Route 7, Frost Mountain, Fallshore City, Route 11, Epidimy Town, Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Tehl Town, Tarmigan Town, Thundercap Mt., Route 12, Dehara City, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Woods, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Route 16, Antisis City, Icy Hole, Seaport City, Polder Town, Cootes Bog, Crystal Peak, Magnolia Fields, Redwood Village, Route 18, Victory Road, Redwood Forest and Cube Corp.
- Gyarados - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 4, Route 5, Valley Cave, Route 6, Route 7, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Tehl Town, Route 12, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Vivill Town, Vivill Warehouse, Antisis City, Magnolia Fields, Route 18, Victory Road and Cube Corp.
- Lapras - Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain, Icy Hole, Seaport City and Victory Road
- Omanyte - Great Desert
- Kabuto - Great Desert
- Croconaw - Cootes Bog
- Feraligatr - Cootes Bog
- Chinchou - Thundercap Mt., Ruins of Void, Route 14 and Route 16
- Lanturn - Thundercap Mt., Ruins of Void, Route 14 and Route 16
- Marill - Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Tehl Town and Victory Road
- Azumarill - Route 9, Tehl Town and Victory Road
- Wooper - Cliff Cave
- Quagsire - Cootes Bog and Cliff Cave
- Qwilfish - Crystal Peak and Magnolia Fields
- Corsola - Thundercap Mt., Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Route 16, Seaport City and Route 18
- Remoraid - Route 6, Route 7, Fallshore City, Route 11, Gurun Town, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City and Route 18
- Octillery - Route 6, Route 7, Fallshore City, Route 11, Gurun Town, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City and Route 18
- Mantyke - Route 6, Route 7, Route 12, Route 16, Antisis City and Seaport City
- Mantine - Ruins of Void, Route 14, Gurun Town and Route 18
- Mudkip - Safari Zone
- Marshtomp - Safari Zone
- Lotad - Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
- Lombre - Fallshore City, Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
- Wingull - Route 3
- Pelipper - Route 2, Dresco Town, Route 3, Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Route 7, Fallshore City, Route 11, Route 12, Dehara City, Ruins of Void, Route 15, Route 13, Route 14, Gurun Town, Vivill Town, Route 16, Antisis City, Seaport City, Magnolia Fields, Route 18 and Cube Corp.
- Surskit - Route 3, Grim Woods, Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9 and Vivill Woods
- Carvanha - Fallshore City, Route 12 and Route 14
- Sharpedo - Fallshore City, Route 12 and Route 14
- Wailmer - Route 12, Route 14, Magnolia Fields and Cube Corp.
- Wailord - Route 12, Route 14, Magnolia Fields and Cube Corp.
- Barboach - Grim Woods, Route 11, Epidimy Town, Vivill Woods, Polder Town, Cootes Bog and Redwood Forest
- Whiscash - Grim Woods, Route 11, Epidimy Town, Vivill Woods, Polder Town, Cootes Bog and Redwood Forest
- Corphish - Route 4 and Route 5
- Crawdaunt - Route 4 and Route 5
- Feebas - Polder Town
- Spheal - Icicle Cave and Frost Mountain
- Sealeo - Icicle Cave, Frost Mountain, Icy Hole and Victory Road
- Clamperl - Ruins of Void, Route 14 and Route 16
- Relicanth - Ruins of Void
- Luvdisc - Fallshore City, Route 11, Epidimy Town, Ruins of Void, Route 14 and Victory Road
- Piplup - Dehara City
- Bibarel - Route 14
- Buizel - Route 3
- Floatzel - Route 14 and Victory Road
- Shellos - Route 3
- Gastrodon - Route 14, Polder Town, Cootes Bog and Crystal Peak
- Finneon - Valley Cave, Epidimy Town, Crystal Peak and Victory Road
- Lumineon - Valley Cave, Epidimy Town, Crystal Peak and Victory Road
- Oshawott - Route 5
- Panpour - Flower Paradise
- Tympole - Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
- Palpitoad - Route 10, Auburn Waterway and Polder Town
- Basculin - undefined
- Tirtouga - Great Desert
- Ducklett - Dresco Town
- Frillish - Magnolia Fields
- Jellicent - Magnolia Fields and Cube Corp.
- Alomomola - Route 13
- Binacle - Route 2, Thundercap Mt., Route 13, Route 14, Great Desert, Route 16 and Route 18
- Skrelp - Route 13
- Clauncher - Route 13
- Clawitzer - Route 13
- Popplio - Seaport City
- Wishiwashi - undefined
- Mareanie - Ruins of Void and Route 14
- Toxapex - Ruins of Void and Route 14
- Dewpider - Route 3
- Araquanid - Route 3
- Golisopod - Safari Zone
- Pyukumuku - Fallshore City and Dehara City
- Bruxish - Route 10, Auburn Waterway, Route 9, Tehl Town and Victory Road
- Drizzile - Redwood Forest
- Chewtle - Route 3
- Cramorant - Route 10 and Auburn Waterway
- Arrokuda - Route 9
- Dracovish - Cube Corp.
- Arctovish - Cube Corp.
21Fairy Pokémon
21Fighting Pokémon
23Dragon Pokémon
25Dark Pokémon
27Ghost Pokémon
28Steel Pokémon
31Fire Pokémon
32Psychic Pokémon
33Ice Pokémon
34Electric Pokémon
40Bug Pokémon
40Rock Pokémon
44Poison Pokémon
47Grass Pokémon
48Flying Pokémon
48Ground Pokémon
53Normal Pokémon
99Water Pokémon
Unbound Boss Battles
In order to complete a Unbound Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 31 Boss battles throughout the Borrius region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.
These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Rival's Larvitar to Penny's Sceptile.
8 Gym Leader fights
5 Elite Four fights
5 Rival fights
12 Evil Team fights
1 Mini Boss fight
Select your starter type
Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Rival might have a fire type to take advantage!
Gym Leader fights
- Dresco Town Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Crater Town Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Blizzard City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Fallshore City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Dehara City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Antisis City Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Polder Town Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Redwood Village Gym
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Elite Four fights
- Pokémon League
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Pokémon League
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Pokémon League
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Pokémon League
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Pokémon League Champion
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Rival fights
- Frozen Heights
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Icicle Cave
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Frost Mountain
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Route 12
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Magnolia Town
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Evil Team fights
- Cinder Volcano
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Cinder Volcano
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Cinder Volcano
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Underground Passage
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Thunder Cap Mt.
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Ruins of Void
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Shadow Base
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Vivill Warehouse
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Crystal Peak
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Crystal Peak
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Crystal Peak
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
- Ruins of Void
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Mini Boss fights
- Tramigan Mansion
has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.
Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Unbound Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?